Corey01's FF8
Disk 4 walkthrough
Disk 1 walkthrough
Disk 2 walkthrough
Disk 3 walkthrough
Disk 4 walkthrough
Liberi Fatali (INTRO SONG) Lyrics
Other Features


Lunatic Pandora
Leave the room. On the next screen, climb the ladder on the right. Climb the next ladder to reach a hidden Break DP then descend one level and head north up the white pole. At the top, veer right to get to the next screen. Use Siren’s Move-Find to reveal a Save Point up ahead. Use it then enter the opening.

HP: 50,000+ Weakness: ? Strength: ?
AP: 0 Draw: Firaga, Thundaga, Blizzaga, Flare / Esuna, Dispel, Regen

Strategy: You’ll have two targets to choose from but you MUST NOT let Rinoa die in this battle. Adel has quite an arsenal of magical attacks and occasionally drains Rinoa’s HP. Counter this by junctioning spells to Rinoa’s HP parameter prior to the battle and casting Regen on her at the start of the fight. You can’t use spells such as Ultima, Squall’s Renzokuken or any GFs here as they also damage Rinoa, so stick to physical attacks on Adel. A Meltdown spell on her should make your task easier. Heal Rinoa when needed. Limit breaks that work here include Zell’s Duel and Irvine’s Shot. Just make sure you don’t accidentally trigger any of their ‘hit all targets’ attacks.

After the battle, Ellone will initiate time compression and after a nice FMV, you’ll find yourselves in the Commencement Room.

Commencement Room
Save, then trudge through the numerous save points that appear. Head for the door in the background.
The party will have to combat a slew of low-level sorceresses from each era. Every fight takes place on a different battlefield, culminating in a showdown with the final Sorceress.

HP: 50,000+ Weakness: ? Strength: ?
AP: 55 Draw: Flare, Holy

Strategy: She can hit you pretty hard with a single counterattack, taking away roughly 1,000 HP from one character. When she finishes her countdown, she’ll unleash Ultima on the party, something you don’t want. Hit her with a Meltdown, Aura-Renzokuken combo and have the remaining cast heal or summon powerful GFs such as Bahamut and Eden.

Edea’s Orphanage / Road to Castle
Enter the Orphanage then head through the door on the right. In the next room, go north towards the beach. Watch a cool FMV introducing Ultimecia’s Castle then make your way north, towards the chain. As you’re walking up the huge chain, you’ll see 3 bluish-white doors on the left. Press [X] to leap towards them. Enter the upper left door or the one in the middle to get out. Here’s where they lead:

Upper portal: Region near the Chocobo Sanctuary (Coastal area of Grandidi Forest)
Middle portal: Region near the Centra Ruins (Serengetti Plains)
Lower portal: Region near Deling City (Wilburn Hill)

Time-Compressed Overworld
Depending on which portal you chose, you’ll access the Ragnarok in different ways:

If you chose the upper left portal, you’ll emerge on the shoreline near the Chocobo Sanctuary. Head inland and enter the camouflaged dome-like Sanctuary, which is north of Grandidi Forest. Acquire a chocobo and ride it south along the eastern coasts of the Esthar continent. Cross the shallow waters at the southern tip towards Kashkabald Desert. Get your Chocobo onto the Centra continent via the southeastern shore and head towards the center of the desert to find the Ragnarok, which appears as a red dot on the world map.

If you chose the middle portal, you’ll emerge on the Centra continent near the Centra Ruins. Head towards a small mountain on the northeastern tip of the island. Go around it to find a Chocobo Forest. Enter and get a Chocobo (or pay the Chocoboy 1,200 gil to find one for you). Mount it and head south towards the beach.
Cross the shallow waters to get to the opposite island (Edea’s Orphanage should be nearby). Once there, head northeast, through a narrow mountain range to reach Kashkabald Desert. The Ragnarok is there and appears as a red dot on the world map.

You’ll notice that with the exception of dungeons and chocobo forests, all other areas are blocked off. There’s not much you can do about the strange barriers surrounding each town, so take a trip down to the Heaven and Hell Islands to stock up on spells. Once you’ve done that, take a look inside the Ragnarok.

Ragnarok Revisited
Rare Cards: All

To complete your collection of rare cards, you must have defeated CC Group’s King at Balamb Garden either in Disc 2 or 3. If so, meet up with Xu at the Entrance of the ship. As for the rest of the CC Group, they’re scattered all over the Ragnarok. Note that the Joker near the elevator sells you items, in addition to providing weapon remodeling services. To play King, put ‘him’ in your main party then talk to ‘him’ using [Square] while in the Air Room of the Ragnarok. Each CC member plays according to a certain region’s rules:

Jack: Aisle near Entrance (Balamb rules)
Club: Aisle near Air Room (Dollet rules)
Diamond: Hangar (Trabia rules)
Spade: Hangar near the save point (Esthar rules)
Heart: Entrance (FH rules)
King: Air Room (Lunar Base rules)
Joker: Aisle near Passenger Deck (Centra rules)

The CC Group holds virtually all the rare cards you’ve yet to collect, however they won’t be your only source of rare cards in Disc 4. The Card Queen can still be found on the Overworld near one of the southern tips of the Esthar continent, in the Abadan Plains. Run to that specific area to enter a field screen in order to see her.

Road to Ultimecia’s Castle
When you’re ready, fly back to any one of the 3 portal doors sitting on the Overworld and re-enter. Jump back onto the big chain by pressing [X] and head north.

Ultimecia’s Castle
Enemies: All
Draw Points: Meteor, Slow, Dispel, Ultima, Holy, Cura, Curaga, Full-life, Aura, Meltdown, Triple, Stop
GFs: Siren (Tri-Point), Carbuncle (Krysta), Leviathan (Trauma),
Pandemona (Red Giant), Cerberus (Gargantua), Alexander (Catoblepas), Eden (Tiamat)
Weapons: Omega

When you reach the castle entrance, 8 commands will be sealed off: Item, Magic, GF, Draw, Abilities, Limit Break, Resurrection and Save. Defeat 8 bosses hidden within the castle to reclaim them one at a time. In addition, you have to work in 2 parties, so divide magic and junction GFs evenly among all members before continuing. Throughout the castle you’ll find green Switch Points. Stepping on them allows you to switch to the other party or change individual members.

Main Party – Starting in the Main Hall, head north. Climb up the stairs to face Sphinxaur.

HP: 12,000+ Weakness: --- Strength: ---
AP: 30 Draw: Firaga, Thundaga, Blizzaga

Strategy: Since you’ll only have the Attack command available, make sure your party is properly junctioned to HP and Strength parameters. Just beat on Sphinxaur using physical attacks and ignore any monsters he summons. Junctioning Blizzaga to Elemental Defense may help absorb the damage if Sphinxaur decides to cast Ice magic.

After the fight, you’ll be given a choice of which command to unseal. Choose to unlock Magic, since it lets you heal your characters and use (hopefully) powerful spells. If you haven’t collected all GFs in the game, choose to unlock Draw instead, as the remaining 7 bosses carry the GFs in their draw list.

Continue up the stairs (ignore the door) and turn right. On the next screen, enter the door to the southeast. Run to your right and descend the stairs. You’ll see a string attached to a bell at the foot of the stairs. Note its location then move on. Go through the blue door in the background, past the green Switch Point.

In the Art Gallery, take a look at each of the 4 paintings on the 1st floor (ignore the largest one to the left) then climb the steps to the right. View the 8 paintings on the 2nd Floor and use the Meltdown DP in the right corner. The painting titles are as follows:

Ignus (Fire) Inandantia (Flood)
Iudicium (Judgement) Intervigilium (Sleep)
Vigil (Watchman) Vividarium (Garden)
Viator (Messenger) Venus (Love)
Xiphias (Swordfish) Xerampelinae (Red Clothes)
Xystus (Tree-lined Road) Inaudax (Cowardice)

After examining all 12 paintings, view the large painting on the 1st floor, the one you ignored previously. To solve the puzzle, return to the 2nd floor and view a clock painted on the floor below. Take note of the numbers the hands point to: VIII, IIII, VI. The ‘V’ indicates you should select only titles beginning with ‘V’, while the following ‘I’s give you the exact number of ‘I’s in each correct title. So ‘VIII’ would represent ‘VIvIdarIum’, ‘IIII’ would represent ‘IntervIgIlIum’ and ‘VI’ represents ‘VIator’. These are read in the order of hours, minutes and seconds.

Return to the large painting on the 1st floor and enter Vividarium, Intervigilium, and Viator in that order. Once you’ve selected the correct title, Trauma will appear.

HP: 28,809 / 2,518 Weakness: Wind Strength: ?
AP: 30 Draw: Flare, GF Leviathan / Esuna, Dispel

Strategy: Cast Meltdown on Trauma then bash away at him using physical attacks. You can also use Tornado coupled with Triple to do damage, but I advise you ignore the Dramas he summons; they come in unlimited numbers. Junction Tornado to Elemental Attack if you can and be wary of Trauma’s Mega Pulse Cannon. It isn’t pretty when it hits.

Choose which command to unlock next, then enter the brown door in the back of the room. Step on the Switch Point inside and take control of your secondary party.

Secondary Party - Head up the stairs and enter the northern door. Step on the chandelier and move around it, causing it to fall down to the Grand Hall below. Once there, examine the hatch in the floor near a Switch Point. Descend to the bottom of the Wine Cellar and face Tri-Point.

HP: 22,000 Weakness: Fire (or) Ice Strength: Thunder
AP: 30 Draw: Haste, Tornado, Bio, GF Siren

Strategy: Tri-Point counters with a brutal Mega Spark each time you attack it (takes off about 3,000 HP from everyone), so make sure you junction Thundaga to Elemental Defense before the fight. Hit it with Firaga, Blizzaga (Tri-Point changes its weakness) or physical attacks. Cast Meltdown for an easy victory.

Choose which command to unlock next, then climb back up to the Grand Hall. Enter the door in the background to reach the Courtyard. Use the Switch Point there to change over to your main party.

Main Party - If you chose to unlock Save after defeating Tri-Point, climb the stairs to the left and head through the left doorway to reach a Save Point (you’ll pass a Cura DP along the way). Otherwise, go down the ramp in front of the Switch Point to reach the Floodgate room. Once there, enter the door on the left, causing it to shut behind you. Use the Full-life DP to the left then take the key from the skeleton’s hand.

HP: 30,000 Weakness: --- Strength: Physical attacks
AP: 30 Draw: Demi, GF Pandemona

Strategy: This guy has a ridiculously high defense, but that’s easily countered by casting Meltdown on him and whacking him with a Renzokuken. Also, summoning Diablos, Cactuar and Doomtrain work well, in addition to casting Demi. Try using Blind on him. Other than that, there’s no way you can hurt him.

Choose which command to unseal next. Use the Prison Key to unlock the door leading to the previous area. Climb the stairs on the left to get back to the Switch Point. Once there, change your party.

Secondary Party – In the Courtyard, use the Stop DP on the left then enter the door behind the fountain. Avoid the purple smoke in the center of the chapel (touching it will initiate a minor battle) and use the Dispel DP on the left. Examine the organ in the back of the room and note its position. Climb the staircase on the right. When you reach the wooden bridge, you’ll see a sparkling object up ahead. WALK towards it to pick it up (if the key falls, don’t worry; you haven’t lost it). Now return to the Switch Point in the Courtyard.

Main Party – Go down the ramp to the Floodgate room. If the key fell off the wooden bridge, examine the canal on the right to retrieve it. If you already have the Armory Key, unlock the door on the right and enter. Use the Ultima DP on the left then face the Gargantua.

HP: 10,626 / 6,884 x 2 Weakness: Holy Strength: ?
AP: 0 Draw: Esuna, Haste, Bio / Shell, Protect / Bio, Demi, Quake, Regen

Strategy: Summon Siren to halt their magical spells then follow up with Alexander to take them out. Casting Holy on them also works well.

The full version of Gargantua will appear after you defeat the 3 parts.

HP: 15,000 Weakness: Strength:
AP: 42 Draw: Bio, Quake, Reflect, Cerberus GF

Strategy: He likes to cast various status maladies, so make sure your party members are properly junctioned for Status Defense - especially Berserk, Blind and Slow. Take him out with a Doomtrain, Aura-Renzokuken combination and remember to heal when needed. Hitting him with physical attacks results in his Counter Twist (takes off 2,000+ HP) so cast spells or summon GFs such as Alexander, Bahamut, Cactuar or Eden.

After the battle, select a command to unlock then return to the closest Switch Point. For the upcoming section to play out correctly, your main party has to consist of more males than females, and vice versa for the secondary party.

Secondary Party - From the Courtyard, head south one screen then enter the door on the far left, behind the stairs. Follow the corridor south. When you reach the end of the corridor, step through the door on the right to get back to the Entrance Hall. Once there, climb the stairs (ignore the center door) and head left. Go through the door at the end to reach the Western Stairway Hall. Descend the stairs on the left. Head through the door beyond the Switch Point and keep moving into the background. When you reach the Elevator Hall, stand on the left Switch Point and change parties.

Main Party - Starting from outside the Floodgate, climb the stairs on the left and enter the left opening. Use the Save Point up ahead (if you unsealed that command) then continue heading west until you reach the upper part of the room where the Secondary Party is waiting. Step on the Switch Point to raise the other party to the balcony level.

Secondary Party – After being elevated, head left into a Storage Room. Search the floor for a Floodgate Key and use the Curaga DP inside. Once you have it, return to the Switch Point and switch parties.

Main Party - Backtrack to the Floodgate area. Locate a lever next to the door on the left. Examine it twice to drain the water. Now head for the Courtyard and look for a sparkling object in the fountain. Pick up the Treasure Vault Key. Next, go to the Chapel. At the organ, press all 8 keys simultaneously. Do this until the notes fade away. Afterwards, return to the Grand Hall and step on the Switch Point to the right, which prevents the chandelier from falling temporarily. Switch?

Backtrack to the Courtyard and take the right path. A new route (previously blocked by a steel gate) should’ve opened up; follow it to the end of the Waterway. Once there, you’ll find a Rosetta Stone and open up a shortcut to the Floodgate. If the steel gate is still there, try re-playing the organ.

Secondary Party - From the Elevator Hall, head back a screen to the dark corridor. Look for a door on the left, behind a pillar. Inside the Treasure Vault find 4 coffins. Open all of them to have Catoblepas appear.

HP: 31,500 Weakness: Earth Strength: Thunder
AP: 30 Draw: Meteor, GF Alexander

Strategy: Summon GF Brothers or Leviathan to do damage (or junction Quake or Water to Elemental Attack). The Doomtrain, Aura-Shot (Irvine’s limit break) combination works nicely too. His attacks consist of mainly single-target spells like Thundaga. Draw a few Meteor spells if you can, but beware Catoblepas’ final attack: a Meteor spell.

Unlock a command then return to the Entrance Hall. Go through the northern door and over to the now-stable chandelier. Enter the door at the other end to find Krysta waiting on the Terrace.

HP: 12,000 Weakness: ? Strength: Ice
AP: 30 Draw: Holy, GF Carbuncle

Strategy: Krysta has a few pretty nasty moves and has the ability to counter every attack you throw at it, with the exception of summoned GFs. Use Doomtrain, Aura-Shot combo to take care of it. Krysta will cast Ultima as a last resort, so keep your HPs high towards the end of the fight.

After the battle, select a command to unlock then return to the Switch Point in the Entrance Hall.

Main Party - Go to the Chapel and head up the right staircase. Cross the wooden bridge and enter the door on the left (the ladder to the right leads to a dead-end). On the very 1st floor of the Clock Tower there’s an invisible Save Point (use Siren’s Move-Find ability to see it). Climb up the extensive winding path until you reach a swinging bell. Position yourselves on the edge opposite to the one the bell swings towards, and press [X] to jump onto the bell. Enter the opening on the ledge to reach the exterior balcony of the Clock Tower and your most powerful adversary thus far.

HP: 89,800 Weakness: --- Strength: Fire, Thunder, Wind
AP: 30 Draw: Flare, GF Eden

Strategy: Tiamat has an above-average magic defense parameter and his Dark Flare does a hefty amount of damage (about 4,000+ if you’re properly junctioned) to everyone. Minimise this by casting Shell at the start of the fight then quickly attack him using a Doomtrain, Aura-Renzokuken combination. You probably need to have Squall unleash his limit break twice to actually take Tiamat down. If you do it fast enough, Tiamat won’t get a chance to pull his Dark Flare off, so you might want to have Squall equipped with a high offensive and speed rating. Cerberus’ Auto Haste ability works well here.

Unseal your final command here and you’re left with only the last boss to face. Head back to the Clock Tower and leap onto the bell. Travel up the winding path to the top. When the path splits, climb up a little further for a Stop DP then head south.

Run across the hands of the clock face, climb down the ladder and move right to reach another ladder. Descend to a bridge that leads to Ultimecia’s Room. Save outside, recover all 6 of your characters, stock up on supplies (Tonberry’s Call Shop ability comes into play here) and do a final check on your junctioning and spells. Enter Ultimecia’s Room when you’re ready.

NOTE: A special side event here is finding and taking down the Omega Weapon. Unlike its cousin, the Ultima Weapon, this guy has the ability to kick your butt so hard, it’ll be sore for months. So unless you really want to test your skills, I suggest you leave him and come back later when you’re properly prepared. For those who feel confident, have fun. I have yet to beat it, so no strategies are included here.

HP: 1,000,000+ Weakness: None Strength: All elements
AP: 250 Draw: Flare, Holy, Meteor, Ultima

Ultimecia’s Castle—Master Room
Ultimecia will express her fury at SeeD for interfering with her plans of time compression, before she engages you in combat. The participants are picked randomly (including Squall), so make sure your GFs are evenly spread out. Ultimecia removes fallen companions in battle with her Angel move, but if you’re quick enough you can beat her to it with a well-timed Full-life spell. She comes in 5 forms, which you’ll have to fight consecutively. Use Hero’s Medicine for an easy victory if you want to (it’s the final battle, anyway).

Should Squall be chosen as one of the participants (which occurs quite frequently, actually), I suggest letting him do all the attacking. The rest should simply support him by casting Meltdown to destroy the enemy’s defense and heal when needed.

HP: 43,000 Weakness: Poison Strength: Holy
AP: 0 Draw: Haste, Slow, Reflect, Demi

Strategy: The 1st form of Ultimecia can be taken down effortlessly with a single Meltdown, Aura-Renzokuken combination. However, I suggest you make use of this one to prepare for the upcoming battles; put everyone in Triple, Protect, Shell, Haste and Regen status, followed by Aura if possible. Ultimecia will attempt to spoil the party with Quake, and her Maelstrom causes status maladies and heavy HP damage to all, but counter that with a Megalixir.

HP: 120,000+ Weakness: --- Strength: Earth, Poison
AP: 0 Draw: Bio, Quake, Tornado

Strategy: Griever has a status ailment attack, tends to cast Demi’ and Doom, and has an annoying habit of drawing spells from your party. Counter Doom with either a Remedy Plus or a Megalixir and hit him repeatedly with Renzokukens (remember to reduce his defense to zero with Meltdown first). Casting Ultima coupled with Triple works well, too, but I suggest you learn Eden’s Expendx3-1 character ability first.

Griever will occasionally remove an entire set of spells from your magic list, thus forcing you to lose that junction (i.e. if you’ve junctioned Full-life to HP, it’ll fall back to its original value).
Also note that from Griever onwards, the bosses have the ability to kill off any of your GFs in a single blow, so don’t bother with summoning them. Griever will use his Shockwave Pulsar at the end (or earlier if you aren’t quick enough in taking him out), which takes about 3,000 HP from everyone or 1,500 if you’re under a Shell condition.

HP: 180,000+ / 25,000+ Weakness: --- Strength:
AP: 0 Draw: Firaga, Thundaga, Blizzaga / Esuna, Dispel

Strategy: Ultimecia will junction with Griever for a truly nasty package. This 3rd form likes to cast Tornado, Meteor and Holy, plus she’ll occasionally remove an entire set of spells from your magic list. She’s also capable of casting Shockwave Pulsar at any time. Other than that, tiny cronies will appear to help during the fight. If 2 Helixes appear, watch out for Ultimecia’s Great Attractor, a physical attack that does 4,000+ damage to the entire party. Stick to the tried-and-true Meltdown, Aura-Renzokuken combination to take her down. If she detaches a part of herself, it means she’s close to defeat—keep it going!

HP: 250,000+ / 16,000+ Weakness: --- Strength: ---
AP: 0 Draw: Holy, Flare / Apocalypse

Strategy: Ultimecia, in her final form, has more offensive moves at her disposal: Hell Judgment can bring everyone down to 1 HP (use a Hero’s Medicine on Squall and have him launch his Renzokuken repeatedly).
She’ll also cast Ultima, Flare and Holy. When her lower body appears during the course of the fight, she’ll draw Apocalypse from it, which hits the entire party for roughly 3,500+ worth of damage. Take note that you can do the same to her, by drawing Apocalypse first. Ultimecia retains the annoying ability to remove an entire set of spells from you, too. Simply keep the Meltdown, Aura-Renzokuken combinations coming and heal immediately when she hits you with a Hell Judgment— she might cast Ultima as her next move. Try to dispose of her lower body first when it appears.
When Ultimecia is near defeat, she’ll start uttering lines in battle. During this period, you have to pound on her until she finishes what she has to say; each attack usually results in her speaking another line. Only when you’ve seen all she has to say can you strike the finishing blow.
Enjoy the ending!

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