Corey01's FF8

Disk 1 walkthrough

Disk 1 walkthrough
Disk 2 walkthrough
Disk 3 walkthrough
Disk 4 walkthrough
Liberi Fatali (INTRO SONG) Lyrics
Other Features


Balamb Garden

Draw Points: Cure, Esuna
GFs: Quezacotl, Shiva (2F Study Panel)
Magazines: Occult Fans Vol. 1 (Library)

Final Fantasy VIII opens with an FMV of two students squaring off in a training match. One is injured in the battle and awakens in the infirmary. The medic, Dr. Kadowaki, asks if he feels all right. Give your hero a name (Squall is the default). Dr. Kadowaki phones Squall’s teacher, Quistis, to come get him. Watch the FMV showing her arrival then follow Quistis to the classroom.

After Quistis briefs the class, go speak with her. She reminds Squall to visit the Fire Cavern before taking his SeeD entrance exam. Check the Study Panel on Squall’s desk and read through all of the tutorials. By doing this, you’ll receive GFs Shiva and Quezacotl. Once done, leave the classroom. Squall bumps into Selphie, a new student, near the elevator. She asks for a tour of Balamb Garden. Take her up on the offer.

Talk to the guy near the elevator to get your first set of cards. Afterwards, ride the elevator down to the lobby and head south. Examine the Garden Directory to see what places are available to visit: You can rest and save your game at the Dorms, meet Seifer and his cronies at the Cafeteria, play cards with Dr. Kadowaki in the Infirmary, and visit the Library, which offers an Esuna DP, plus Occult Fans Vol.1 on the bookshelf to the right. Avoid the Training Center for now. When finished, head south to the Front Gate. You’ll find a Cure DP on the way there. Speak with Quistis to learn how to junction GFs then exit the Garden.

Balamb Island
Enemies: Bite Bugs, Glacial Eye (Fields/Mountains), Caterchipillar, T-Rexaur (Forests), Fastitcalon-F (Beaches)

On the World Map, you can save at any time. Fight a few random battles in the area to collect some Blizzard spells before entering the Fire Cavern, which is east of Balamb Garden. It’s nestled behind a forest.

Fire Cavern

Enemies: Bomb, Red Bat, Buel
Draw Points: Fire
GFs: Ifrit
Rare Cards: Ifrit

Upon entering, Quina instructs you on magic junctioning and Squall’s Limit Break. When finished, approach the Garden faculty waiting at the cave. One of them asks Squall how much time he’ll need. Allow yourself 20 minutes. Enter the cave and follow the path north until you reach an intersection. Use the Fire DP on the right then continue down the center path. Fight random enemies as they appear, leaving about 6 minutes on the timer before facing Ifrit at the end of the cave.

HP: 1,068 Weakness: Ice Strength: Fire
AP: 20 Draw: Fire (Fira), Cure, Scan

Strategy: Being a fire-based creature, avoid using any fire spells on him. Cast Shiva and use Blizzard spells to make short work of him. He has a decent attack rating so don’t forget to heal your characters when needed. You don’t know it, but you’re actually being accessed by the Garden faculty throughout the first few events in FF8... the Fire Cavern is one place where Squall is tested on his Judgment. To score well in this scenario, finish the battle with Ifrit with as little time as possible left on the clock. Whittle down Ifrit’s HP to around 100 and stall until the timer hits 15 to 20 seconds. Quickly use a barrage of Blizzard spells to bring the battle to an end. You’ll see how well you scored later in the game.

Once defeated, you receive GF Ifrit and Quistis gives another tutorial on elemental usage. Afterwards, exit the Fire Cavern and return to Balamb Garden.

Balamb Garden—Dollet Mission Briefing

Upon your return, Quistis teaches you about GF abilities. When she leaves, head back to the Dorm to change clothes and rest. Afterwards, return to the Lobby and speak with Cid. After he selects your party, follow Seifer.

Balamb City / Naval Ship

Seifer drives the car to Balamb City in the southwest. Once there, immediately board the ship (your instructors won’t like it if you dally). On board, Xu briefs the group on their mission: to liberate the city of Dollet. When Seifer orders Squall to check the situation outside, do as he says.


Enemies: Galbadian Soldier / Anacondaur, Geezard, Elite Soldier (Mountain Range)
Draw Points: Blind
GFs: Siren (Elvoret)
Magazines: Weapons Monthly March (Elvoret)

Upon reaching the shore, Quistis reminds you to junction your GFs before proceeding - divide them among the 3 and transfer magic from Quistis if you have to. While on this mission, don’t converse with Squad A or C members (except for Selphie), follow orders, and finish off all enemies quickly. Instructors in this field exam are assessing you. For the moment, follow Seifer to the top of the stairs.

Near the Save Point, the group comes upon 2 Galbadian guards. Attack normally and stock up on Cure spells. Have Squall practice using the Gunblade’s [R1] trigger feature to cause extra damage. Note that Seifer’s Hyperion also has this feature but the timing is a bit faster. Continue following Seifer to the central square.

Once there, Seifer orders the party to eliminate any remaining guards. Follow the upper right alley and take out all guards there. Ultimately, Seifer loses his patience and decides to check things out ahead. Follow him. After the party crosses a bridge, they chance upon some injured Dollet troops. One is dragged away by a monster before Squall can reach him. The Anacondaur is weak against Ice, so use Shiva on it.

Afterwards, follow the path to the communcations tower, defeating more enemies along the way. When Seifer runs off, Selphie arrives to conveniently replace him. Transfer Seifer’s GF and magic over to her then head right around the cliff (you can jump off if you want, but instructors will give you lower marks). Meet Selphie at the tower entrance and name her. When ready, enter the communication tower. Once inside, use the Blind DP then save your game. Ride the elevator to the top.

The group stumbles upon Wedge (blue) and Biggs (red), who are trying to repair the satellite. Once it’s fixed, the party engages them in battle.

HP: 610 / 608 Weakness: Poison Strength: ?
AP: 8 Draw: Fire, Thunder, Blizzard, Esuna / Fire, Thunder, Blizzard, Cure

Strategy: Spend some time drawing magic out (especially Esuna) before eliminating them with GFs. Keep everyone’s health up, but save some potions and Cure spells for the fight that will take place immediately after defeating them.

HP: 2,872 Weakness: Wind Strength: Poison
AP: 10 Draw: Thunder, Cure, Double, Siren GF

Strategy: Draw GF Siren from Elvoret then unleash everything you’ve got (save a few Thunder spells and items). Watch out for Storm Breath, which does 100+ damage to everyone. Use healing spells and items as necessary, and take advantage of limit breaks when they become available.

Afterwards, you’ll receive the March issue of Weapons Monthly and have 30-minutes to get back to the beach. When you regain control of your characters, quickly board the lift and descend. Biggs activates a defense mechanism that is set to chase you all the way back. Save your game then exit to fight the X-ATM092 for the first time.

BOSS >> X-ATM092
HP: 5,492 Weakness: Thunder Strength: Poison
AP: 0 or 50 Draw: Fire, Blizzard, Cure, Protect

Strategy: Hit it with Thunder spells then attack normally (Quezacotl works well but eats up the timer, so use the GF at your own risk). If you do about 1,100 worth of damage quickly, the machine will not get a chance to use Ray-Bomb. When it collapses, escape by pressing the R2 and L2 buttons simultaneously. While it’s possible to defeat this boss, it isn’t likely, so run when you get the chance.

Run through the city, while trying to avoid the X-ATM092 another 3 times. If it catches you, you’ll have to fight it again. Use the exact same strategy each time. When you reach the central square, dash towards the dog and tap [X] repeatedly to make it run away. As you head down the last alleyway, the game switches to an FMV showing Squall’s escape.

Exploring Balamb Town

Draw Points: Thunder, Cure
Magazines: Timber Maniacs (Balamb Hotel OR Train Station)

Explore Balamb City after Quistis dismisses you. Head south and enter the Hotel. In the 2nd floor guestroom, find an edition of Timber Maniacs and save your game. [From Disk 2 onwards, you can view any issues of Timber Maniacs you’ve collected via Squall’s study panel.] Leave the Hotel and continue heading west. Use the Thunder DP in front of the Junk Shop. Further west, visit the Item Shop and the Train Station. Return to the draw point and enter the first house on your right. Say hello to Zell’s mom then leave. Pay a visit to the folks in the next house if you like then head back to Balamb Garden.

Balamb Garden - Inauguration Ceremony

Speak with Cid in the lobby then head right to find Seifer complaining about the mission. After Xu scolds him, the intercom announces that all SeeD candidates are to gather on the 2nd floor. Take the elevator up and talk to everyone there. When Squall tries to leave, the results are announced.

Squall, Zell, Selphie and another student (Nida) are inducted into SeeD. Talk to Cid before you leave to get the Battle Meter, which keeps track of your party’s battle stats. Access it from the Tutorial sub-menu, under Information. You should get a decent score even without defeating X-ATMO92. SeeD Tests are also available now in the menu screen. Attaining full marks in each test increases Squall’s SeeD Rank and salary.

SeeD Ranking System:
Conduct: Reach the shore at Dollet with 25:00 left on the clock to score 100.
Judgment: Defeat Ifrit in the Fire Cavern with :07 left on the clock to score 100.
Attack: Defeat 75 enemies in total (not counting enemies downed by GFs).
Spirit: Never escape from battles (except for the first X-ATM092 encounter) to score 100.
Attitude: Don’t converse with anyone in Balamb City before the Dollet mission, ignore all Squad A and C members while in Dollet, leave the defeated Biggs alone, follow all of Seifer’s orders, don’t take the shortcut at the cliff, save the dog from the X-ATM092 and refrain from hiding in the cafe.

Go to the Dorm and change into your formal attire. Selphie arrives to take you to the inauguration party. Once there, Squall bumps into Rinoa. Selphie will ask Squall to join the School Festival Committee unless you already agreed to join when you spoke to her earlier. After the dance scene, Quistis asks Squall to meet her at the training center. Change into your normal attire then head over to the Training Center.

Balamb Garden: Training Center

Enemies: Grat, T-Rexaur
Draw Point: Blizzard

When you arrive, Quistis gives you a tutorial on status effects. When she’s finished, move forward into the Training Center and take the right path over to a Blizzard DP. Move ahead until you reach a Save Point and enter the lit door to the north.

After chatting in the ‘secret place,’ exit and head west, back towards the entrance. On the way, the duo chances upon a mysterious girl being attacked by some creatures.

HP: 223 Weakness: ? Strength: ?
AP: 3 Draw: Fire, Thunder, Protect

HP: 1,538 Weakness: Wind Strength: ?
AP: 5 Draw: Sleep, Shell, Blind

Strategy: This critter is accompanied by 3 flunkies, so just use a GF to take them out first right at the start of the fight. After that, draw Shell magic from Granaldo before offing it at your own leisure. It’s pathetically weak once you get rid of its flunkies. Try putting the Granaldo to sleep with its Sleep spell.

After the battle, leave the Training Center and return to the Dorm.

Balamb Garden—Timber Mission Briefing

GFs: Diablos (Magical Lamp)
Magazine: Weapons Monthly April (Squall’s desk)
Rare Card: Diablos

Zell informs Squall that he’s been given a private room. Use it to rest and save. In the morning, Selphie tells Squall to meet at the Main Entrance. Pick up the April issue of Weapons Monthly from the desk before leaving the room. At the Main Entrance, Cid and a faculty member brief you on your 1st SeeD mission. After getting your orders, talk to Cid again to get a Magical Lamp. Before using it, go back to the lobby and save your game. Select Magical Lamp from the menu screen to fight, and ultimately collect, another GF.

HP: varies Weakness: Wind Strength: Gravija
AP: 20 Draw: Cure, Demi

Strategy: First, have everyone draw and stock Demi from Diablos (note that you’ll need a decent Magic parameter in order to do so). A total of 8-10 Demi spells should be adequate. Now, cast Demi on Diablos repeatedly until it does only 2-digit damage. Oddly, he’ll cast Cura on whoever used Demi on him. Those who cannot draw or cast Demi should heal and revive the others. Finish him off with your most powerful GF or a Limit Break.

After you acquire GF Diablos, visit the Library with Zell for a random event involving a secret admirer. Her girlfriends drop hints, but returning here often lets you view the full set of sequences. Use the Esuna DP near the palm tree then leave. Visit the Cafeteria and lend an ear to the worker who talks about her son. When ready, exit Balamb Garden.

Balamb City: Train Station

Magazines: Pet Pals Vol. 1 (Train)

Head east and enter the Balamb City Train Station. Buy a ticket for 3,000 gil and board the train. Use the Save Point then follow Zell into the next compartment. He’ll find Pet Pals Vol. 1 and ask Squall if he knows about Timber’s current situation. Answer as you see fit. The trio gets sleepy and is whisked away to…

Laguna Dream Sequence - Eastern Forest & Deling City

Enemies: Funguar, Geezard
Draw Points: Cure, Water

Ward, Kiros, and Laguna inherit the status of the 3 on the train. Head forward through the jungle, finding a Cure DP along the way. Use the fallen tree to walk over the small stream and find a Water DP along the side of the road. Mount the vehicle at the end of the path.

Just as Laguna parks the vehicle, two more appear, conveniently blocking your way to the other parts of Deling City. Take the lower right path to the Galbadia Hotel. Save then descend the staircase on the right. Talk with the waitress to get a seat. Choose the 2nd option to hear a sweet piano piece by Julia, an aspiring performer, whom Laguna has a crush on. Approach her. Return to your seat after the cut-scene. Julia asks Laguna to meet her in her room upstairs. Go to the reception counter and ask for her room to be taken there automatically.

Timber Train Station / Hijack Operation

Magazines: Pet Pals Vol. 2 (Resistance Base)
Rare Card: Angelo (Watts)

Squall, Selphie and Zell wake up and are surprised that they shared the same dream. After you disembark, speak to the man waiting on the steps. The 3rd option is the password. Follow Watts to the next train.

Once on board, Watts introduces himself as the leaders of the Forest Owls and asks Squall to check in on the ‘princess’. Head north and use the Save Point in the first compartment then enter the one at the end. Inside, Squall meets Rinoa and her dog, Angelo. Name both of them and listen to Rinoa’s limit break tutorial. Set Angelo’s trick skill then go to the briefing room at the front of the train. Rinoa and crew explain their plan to capture the president of Galbadia. Talk to Watts when you’re ready to start the operation. You’ll be working against a 5-minute timer, so come prepared.

Hijack Operation: Timber Railway Lines

First, leap across to the 2nd Escort by pressing [X] when the train sections are close together. Next, run across the car to meet up with the others. The third goal is to detach the 1st Escort by inputting 3 codes in a panel on the side of the train. If a Blue guard approaches, halt. If a Red guard approaches, keep moving. Their sensors react about a window’s length away. When in doubt, hurry back to the roof of the train and wait for them to move away before entering the next code. After inputting the 3 codes, detach the 2nd Escort. You’ll need to enter 5 codes this time while looking out for guards using the [R1] button. If you trip the alarm you can try again, but your SeedD rank will decrease. The whole operation should take less than 3 minutes.

Afterwards, return to Rinoa’s room to pick up Pet Pals Vol. 2. Junction your party, save and speak to Rinoa when you’re ready to continue the mission.

HP: 532 Weakness: ? Strength: ?
AP: 0 Draw: Cure

HP: 2,750 Weakness: Holy, Fire, Earth, Heal Strength: Poison
AP: 20 Draw: Esuna, Double, Berserk, Zombie

Strategy: This guy likes to cast various status ailment spells on you, so come equipped with various curative items, or simply the ability to draw Esuna from him. Attack Gerogero with Fire-based spells, Cure spells and GF. Ifrit. Spend some time drawing Esuna and Double from him.

After the fight, the team decides to break into Timber’s TV station. Choose a party of 3, re-junction, and talk to Watts when you’re ready to leave.

Timber - Deling City

Enemies: G-Soldier, Elite Soldier
Draw Points: Blizzaga, Cure, Scan
Magazines: Pet Pals Vol. 3 and 4 (Pet Store), Girl Next Door, Timber Maniacs (Timber Maniacs)

After deboarding the train, visit the Pet Store next to the station to buy Pet Pals Vol. 3 & 4 and some restorative items for your GFs. From there, head south into town. Upgrade weapons at the Junk Shop and visit the Hotel next door to rest and save your game. Now, return to the train station and head east.

Visit Timber Maniacs, which Laguna worked for as a journalist. Find a copy of Girl Next Door in the book piles on the floor in the lobby then enter the door on the left. The dark room hides a Blizzaga DP. After using it, leave and enter the door at the end of the hall. Find a copy of Timber Maniacs on the floor and speak to the editor if you wish. Leave the building and talk to the guy wearing a gray-green jacket outside to receive an item from him later on in Disc 2. Enter the house next door and speak to the woman. Go upstairs to look out the window then leave the house. Continue heading east to the 2nd train station. Go to the platform above and enter the house on your left.

Inside, talk to the man sitting on the couch. Tell him you like beverages (2nd option) and examine the faucet to the left to restore the party’s HP. If you plunder 500 gil from the cupboard beneath the television, you lose this service. Exit and use the Save Point on the right platform then head west back to the previous area. At the junction, go down the northern flight of stairs.

Two Galbadian soldiers mention having obtained a Card. Kick their butts to get it. There’s an Item Shop to the left and a Cure DP on the right. When ready, enter the Pub. Inside, talk to the drunk blocking the back door. When he demands a drink, choose to tell him about the card. He’ll give you a Tonberry Card then move out of the way. Use the back door to get to the alley.

Outside, save then head west to the TV Station. Rinoa, upon seeing the tight security, asks Squall for his opinion. Choose any answer. Watch the President of Galbadia give his speech. Partway through, the broadcast is disrupted and Quistis calls for the SeeDs to come help. Continue up to the TV Station. After the cut-scene, follow the President and his abductor to the next room. Things get ugly and the party must leave Timber quickly. Backtrack to the house next to Timber Maniacs. Inside, the group strategizes. When you regain control of Squall, select a party then talk to the woman to get a few items before leaving.

Outside, talk to Watts, who is disguised as a Galbadian soldier. He tells the group to board the Dollet-bound train. Head east and meet up with Zone (dressed as an old man) to get your tickets. Follow Quistis to the train. On board, speak to everyone and wait for the conductor’s announcements. While the story requires you to drop off at East Academy Station, I suggest you alight further on at Dollet Station. Head east between two cliffs to get to the seaside town of Dollet.

Dollet Revisited {optional}

Draw Points: Silence
Magazines: Timber Maniacs (Pub, Hotel)
Occult Fans Vol. II (Pub)
Rare Cards: Siren (Master Card Player, 2F Dollet Pub)

Head south past the car rental agency to get to the center of town. Talk to the people near the fountain and use the Silence DP in the lower right corner. Continue southwest and visit the Nautilus to buy items or refine your weapons. After shopping, head south and enter the Pub on the left. Go upstairs and save your game. Grab a copy of Timber Maniacs from the card table then speak to the man on the left to play cards (the ‘Random’ rule applies in Dollet). If you win, he’ll show you his private room and give you several sets of cards. While in his room, search the piles on his floor for Occult Fans Vol.2 and a few hidden items. Make sure you look at the piles from every angle. Afterwards, try to win Siren’s card from him. When finished, exit the pub and head further south.

Enter the house on the right and speak to the artist in front of a large painting. Each painting has a bone, giving the location of a missing dog outside the house. If you find the dog in all 3 locations you’ll get a Potion, Phoenix Down and Soft. [If you do this in Disc 3, you’ll get a Potion, Mega-Potion and an Elixir.] Continue past the artist’s house to the beach. Take a tour of the harbor then return to the fountain area.

Once there, enter the Hotel to the north. Pay 100 gil to rest then grab a copy of Timber Maniacs on the desk the next morning. Leave the Hotel and head left. The Dollet trooper denies Squall access to the communications tower. Talk to him twice to bust through. Fight a few enemies as you make your way up the path. Watch a funny sequence at the end then return to the fountain. There’ll be a guy standing on the bridge near Timber Hotel. Talk to him with a female companion in your party to receive a Potion. He appears randomly but you can do this as many times as you wish to stock up on Potions. When finished, leave Dollet and head north.

Timber Region: Eastern Forest

Enemies: Funguar, Geezard, Thrustaevis (Fields), Wendigo, Anacondaur, Cockatrice, Ochu (Forests)

On the world map, head back towards East Academy Station. From there, head northwest until you find a small patch of forest between two cliffs. Before you enter, make sure both Quistis and Selphie are properly junctioned. After some dialog inside the Eastern Forest, Squall, Quistis and Selphie drift off to the ‘dream world’…

Laguna Dream Sequence - Centra Excavation Site

Enemies: Esthar Soldiers, Gesper, Elastoid
Draw Points: Silence, Sleep, Confuse, Cure

In typical Laguna fashion, he’s brought the wrong map for this patrol. When you gain control of him, junction everyone then head down the hill to a Silence DP. Continue forward and battle 2 sets of Esthar soldiers. At the fork in the road, take the right path. Follow it until you reach a ladder. Climb down into the mines.

Continue forward until you reach a bright green tunnel. There’s an invisible Old Key near the half-buried circles, but Laguna loses it the minute he picks it up. Anyway, head left to the next screen. Continue forward until you see 3 steel hatches in the floor. Have Laguna tamper with the switch on the center one. Return to the previous screen and watch as Esthar soldiers fall for Laguna’s crude trap. Now, tamper with the hatch on the right. Laguna won’t be able to open it, but his tampering proves useful later on.

Backtrack to the mine entrance (where you initially fought the 2 sets of Esthar soldiers). Take the left route. When you reach the intersection, go right to find a Confuse DP then return to the center and take the ladder down into the mines. At the bottom, you’ll find another Old Key hidden among the debris on the left. Follow the path until you reach the 3 steel hatches. Tamper with the left hatch.

Return to the green tunnel area (where you located the 1st Old Key) and head north. When the route splits, take the northern path to find a bomb detonator on the ground. Examine it. Choose to hit the red switch first, followed by the blue switch to exterminate 2 batches of Esthar soldiers. Afterwards, continue forward until you see a large boulder to the left. Push it using [X]. Make your way up to the save point. Use it before continuing north.

If you didn’t trigger the traps earlier, you’ll have to fight 5 sets of miners here. Otherwise, fight only one. The last one’s Soul Crush will drain Kiros and Ward’s HP completely, so remember to cure your comrades when you regain control of Squall.

Eastern Forest / Galbadia Garden Region (Monterosa Plateau)

Enemies: Belhelmel, Geezard, Blood Soul

Heal and re-junction everyone when they wake up. Head out of the forest, traveling southwest to Galbadia Garden. If you encounter Belhelmels in this area, use Diablos’ Mug command to steal Saw Blades from them, which are required to upgrade Rinoa’s weapon to a Rising Sun.

Galbadia Garden

Draw Points: Haste, Double, Shell, Life

After the FMV, move down the promenade to the entryway. Head left at the lit dome to get to the Lobby. Once there, look for a hidden Haste DP under the center light. Use the Save Point on your right then explore the Garden a bit before heading up to the Conference Room. You'll find an assortment of nice (but not rare) boss cards from the Galbadian Garden students along the way.

The western path takes you to a hallway with classrooms that are either empty or being guarded. The eastern path leads to another hallway. Enter the door on the left. The Ice Rink is being used for practice, so you can’t reach the Shell DP, so go left and enter the locker room. Inside, find a Life DP then exit and return to the lobby. Take the northern path, past the stairs, to a basketball court. Use the Shell DP there then continue east to another hallway with a Save Point. The 2 guards bar you from entering any rooms, so head back across the basketball court to the stairwell. Go up to the 2nd floor.

At the 2F landing, the Conference Room is straight ahead. Before going there, head east. Continue around the balcony to another Save Point then go further to enter the Theatre. Use the Double DP then backtrack to the Conference Room. Once inside, speak to everyone at least twice until Squall gets fed up and decides to leave. Head back to the lobby, where Raijin and Fujin deliver a message. Head south and speak with Quistis then continue to the main entrance. Martine, the headmaster, arrives and briefs the party on their new mission. He introduces a new party member, Irvine, who is a sharpshooter (starts at Level 13). Choose a party and watch a tutorial on junction switching. Exit the Garden.

Galbadia Region / Far East Train Station

Go to the Far East Train Station next to Galbadia Garden. Pay 3,000 gil to buy a ticket and board the train. Inside, speak to Rinoa and Irvine then try to leave. The others enter and the train finally departs for Deling City. Follow Irvine to the next compartment and speak to Selphie. Afterwards, return to the main group. When the cut-scene ends, you’ll arrive at Deling City Station.

Deling City

Draw Points: Thundara
Magazines: Timber Maniacs (Galbadia Hotel)

Take the escalators south to reach the bus stop area. Wait for a bus at the first station you see and board it. Get off at the next stop, which is Caraway's Mansion. Talk to the guard on the extreme right to learn that you cannot enter until the party has obtained a password from the Tomb of the Unknown King. He gives you a map of the tomb. Afterwards, you can choose to pay him 5,000 gil to get a Locator, which is extremely helpful in navigating the maze-like tomb you’re about to visit. Afterwards, explore Deling City.

Cross the street and head west to find a Thundara DP then board the bus next to the mansion. Ride past the Presidential Residence stop to the Shopping Arcade. Deboard and cross the street to visit the Item & Junk Shops. When finished there, head north to the next screen. Enter the Galbadia Hotel and pay 100 gil to rest. Inside the guestroom, search under the bed for a copy of Timber Maniacs then leave. You can play cards with the waitress in the club to the right or just exit.

Return to the Central Square (where all the buses merge) and go left. On the next screen, head west to get to the car rental agency. Rent a car or set off on foot to the world map.

Galbadia Region— Gotland Peninsula

Enemies: Thrustaevis, Geezard, Wendigo

Draw a few Float spells from Thrustaevis as you head over to the Tomb of the Unknown King, which is northeast of Deling City. Look for a forest with a rock opening, right at the tip of the Gotland Peninsula.

Tomb of the Unknown King

Enemies: Armadodo, Blobra, Forbidden, Buel
Draw Points: Protect, Float, Cura
GFs: Brothers
Rare Cards: Brothers

As soon as you enter, check the left side for a Protect DP and use the Save Point on the right. Enter the Tomb. Holding [Select] brings up the map. If you purchased the Locator from the guard at the mansion, you’re position will be marked on the map with an X. Pressing [Triangle] while viewing the map warps you out of the tomb. If you do this, your SeeD ranking will go down though.

From the Tomb entrance, head north to find a blue Gunblade on the ground. Examine it and write down the (random) password. Although your work is finished here, why not gain some EXP and another GF? If you choose to stay, use the map to get to the Eastern Chamber. Once there, approach the figure.

HP: 2,660 Weakness: Poison, Wind Strength: Earth
AP: 20 Draw: Shell, Protect, Berserk, Life

Strategy: Cast Float on Sacred to cancel his Regen status. Hit him with your GFs and Wind-based spells if you have them. Draw a few Life spells from him and heal as necessary. When his HP depletes sufficiently, he’ll stop the fight.

After Sacred leaves his podium, a Save Point appears. Use it then exit and go to the Northern Chamber. Once there, use the Float DP on the left then examine the chain on the right to make the water flow. Now, go over to the Western Chamber. Use the Cura DP then examine the waterwheel to change its direction. If you have the Move-Find ability equipped, you’ll see a Save Point behind the waterwheel. Leave and head to the center of the Tomb. Approach the southern wall from a north-facing position. Cross the new bridge and enter to meet the Brothers.

HP: 3,630 Weakness: Poison, Wind Strength: Earth
AP: 20 Draw: Shell, Protect, Berserk, Double

Strategy: Cast Float on your party as well as the bosses (cancels their Regen status and combo attack, aptly called Mad Cow Special). Junction Aero to Elemental Attack if you can and off the big guy first (Sacred), followed by Minotaur. They’re capable of dealing out moderate sums of damage, but shouldn’t pose too much of a threat. Summon your GFs too and heal frequently.

After the battle, you’ll get GF Brothers plus their two cards. Don’t lose them... they’ll come in handy later on. Leave the Tomb and make your way back to Deling City.

Galbadia Region – Revisited

If you missed getting Steel Pipes earlier, Wendigos wander the barren areas near Deling City. Mug them for a Steel Pipe, which can be combined with 1 Bomb Fragment and 2 Screws for Irvine’s Ulysses weapon.

Deling City – Assasination Mission / Parade / Sewers

Enemies: Creeps, Red Bat, Grand Mantis (Sewers)
Draw Points: Esuna, Zombie, Bio (Sewers)
GF: Carbuncle (Iguion)
Magazines: Weapons Monthly May (Sewers)

Return to the guard in front of Caraway’s Mansion and give him the password you wrote down in the Tomb.
When he lets you pass, use the Save Point in front of the mansion then enter. Inside, talk to Rinoa and wait for General Caraway to arrive. After the cut-scene, select a party then follow Gen. Caraway through the city as he explains the mission details. When he’s finished, go ahead and explore (shop, play cads, etc.). Head back to Caraway’s Mansion when you’re ready.

Once there, the 2 teams are decided. As you try to leave, Rinoa returns but is not allowed to participate in the mission. Follow Caraway to the Gateway, where Team #2 (Quistis, Zell & Selphie) is dropped off. Have Team #1 (Squall & Irvine) head towards the Palace Gate. Back at the Gateway, Quistis wonders whether she was too harsh with Rinoa and decides to apologize. Return to Caraway’s Mansion.

Make sure to junction Rinoa when you take control of her. Use the Save Point next to the vehicle then look for a manhole to the right of the crates. Descend into the sewers and head west to find the May issue of Weapons Monthly. Return to the Save Point above and climb the stacks of crates to get to the roof. Follow the path west to a ladder. Ascend to the top. Once inside, approach the sorceress then watch an FMV showing her masterful power.

Back at Caraway’s Mansion, have Quistis examine the painting next to the window then take a glass cup from the shelves on the left. Head to the upper left corner and set the cup on the statue to reveal a hidden passage. Junction your party and descend into the sewers. Ride the waterwheel on the left then head north until an FMV takes over.

When you regain control of Squall, follow Irvine back to the crates. Use the Save Point (re-junction your crew if necessary) then climb up to the roof. Head forward into Edea’s Chamber.

HP: 1,151 Weakness: Earth, Holy Strength: Fire, Poison
AP: 10 Draw: Esuna, Cure, Break, Carbuncle

Strategy: Draw GF Carbuncle from these guys first (last option in draw menu), then quickly dispatch one of them before they hit you with Resonance, a combo attack. If they use Magma Breath, heal by drawing Esuna from them. Use GF Brothers and try putting a Sleep, Stop or Death spell on them to buy some time.

After the battle, return to the corridor and open the hatch in the floor on the right. Go down and collect the rifle there.

Meanwhile, Team #2 is in the sewers. Junction the party before proceeding. From your current position, follow the path until you reach a ladder that you can collapse. Cross it and head west to reach an Esuna DP then retrace your steps back to the collapsed ladder. Cross over and head left. On the next screen, head north through the gate. The party will pass a dormant waterwheel, followed by a useable one. Head right and take the southern path to get to a Zombie DP. There’s also a Bio DP further south. Retrace your steps north to the first 2 waterwheels you saw (near the collapsed ladder).

The useable waterwheel carries you over to the other side, where you will find another wheel. Jump onto this one. Follow the path south and cross the upcoming 2 waterwheels. Collapse the next ladder you see and you’re back where you started (ascend the tall ladder to use the Save Point above if you wish). Head east from where you dropped that ladder to another wheel. Ride it then follow the northern path to another Save Point. Climb the ladder on the wall to reach the top of the Archway.

When Zell tells you to, control Quistis and hit the panel on the left to drop the gates. Irvine shows his weak side at this crucial point and Squall must coax him into firing the decisive shot. Junction your GFs now.

HP: 870 Weakness: Poison Strength: ?
AP: 0 Draw: Fire, Cure, Life

Strategy: Steal Hero or Holy War (it’s random) from him and draw some Life magic before finishing him off with GFs or the Gunblade.

Once Seifer is defeated, Irvine and Rinoa enter to aid Squall.

HP: 6,700 Weakness: ? Strength: Elementals
AP: 20 Draw: Cura, Dispel, Life, Double
Strategy: Edea’s arsenal consists of various elemental spells, so minimize damage with Shell. If you cast GF Carbuncle, Edea will use Dispel to break your Reflect status. Edea is a bit on the difficult side, but she has friendly draw spells such as Double, Cura and Life, which you can exploit


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