Corey01's FF8

Disk 2 walkthrough

Disk 1 walkthrough
Disk 2 walkthrough
Disk 3 walkthrough
Disk 4 walkthrough
Liberi Fatali (INTRO SONG) Lyrics
Other Features


Laguna Dream Sequence – Winhill

Enemies: Bite Bug, Caterchipillar
Draw Points: Curaga, Dispel, Drain, Reflect

Young Ellone informs Laguna that a visitor is waiting for him at Raine’s pub. Leave the house and go next door to meet Kiros. After they converse, Kiros decides to join Laguna on his daily patrol. Junction them before setting off. Outside, find a Dispel DP in the lower right corner. Cross the bridge on the left and head south through town, fighting off some weak enemies as you go. At the end of town, retrace your steps back to the pub. Go upstairs to hear a bit about Raine’s feelings towards Laguna. Afterwards, return to Laguna’s residence. Un-junction both Kiros and Laguna before choosing to rest.

D-District – Prison / Cell / Torture Chamber

Enemies: Guard, Elite Soldier, GIM47N, GIM52A, Geezard, Thrustaevis, Wendigo
Draw Points: Berserk, Thundaga
Magazines: Combat King 001 (1st Floor)

Zell awakens in a cell with Quistis, Selphie and Rinoa. Talk to everyone. As for Squall, he is transported to a cell high above the others. The scene shifts back and forth between Zell’s group and Squall being interrogated by Seifer. When given the choice, have Squall refuse to surrender to Seifer.

Back in Zell’s cell, choose to defend the little Moomba, who is being abused by a guard. Talk to everyone in the cell until Zell plans an escape. Junction him before heading up to the 8th floor. Once there, approach the 2 guards who are examining Squall’s Gunblade. After Zell recovers the weapons, the scene shifts to Squall who is freed by 3 Moombas. Watch the cut-scene and when you regain control of Zell, head back to the 7th floor prison cell.

HP: 1,467 / 1,416 Weakness: Posion Strength: ?
AP: 10 Draw: Cura, Haste, Slow, Regen / Fira, Shell, Protect, Reflect

Strategy: Spend some time drawing Regen and Reflect from them or mug them for a few decent items. Send them to their doom with your GFs.

After the fight, you can either go up or down. Going down results in a dead-end, but you’ll find several goodies on the way. It’s impossible to return here later, so make the trip now.

Floor 7: Here’s where you start.
Floor 6: Just a Save Point.
Floor 5: A man will play cards with you.
Floor 4: Check the cells for a Tent.
Floor 3: Check the cells for a Pet House.
Floor 2: Check the cells for a Pet Name Tag and a Str Up.
Floor 1: Check the cells for a Save Point and an issue of Combat King 001.

After getting the items, make your way up again.

Floor 8: Check the cells for a man who sells items.
Floor 9: Check the cells for a Berserk DP.
Floor 10: Save and play cards with a man, who will upgrade your Battle Report if you win.
Floor 11: Check the cells for a Thundaga DP plus the chance to play cards.
Floor 12: Nothing here.
Floor 13: Enter the Torture Room to meet up with Squall.

If you refused to surrender as Squall, the Moombas in the Torture Room will offer to remove some barriers on the floors of the prison. Choose the option for the 4th floor and 2 others. Junction the party and ride the Arm to the bottom, hitting the red switch when Zell tells you to. Examine the door at the end of the passage then return to the Arm. The scene shifts back to Zell, who must escape from the guards alone. Junction him then move in a clockwise direction. Enemies should pose little threat.

When the 6 are reunited, divide the party into 2 groups. Squall’s group will be heading upwards; Irvine’s must make its way down to the 4th floor. When Squall’s party reaches the 14th floor, talk to any Moombas you see as they offer some nice items. Go up the metal staircase in the center to a Control Room and use Siren’s Move-Find ability to locate a secret Save Point there. Head right to get outside.

HP: 415 / 2,426 Weakness: Thunder, Earth, Water Strength: Poison
AP: 5 Draw: Fire, Thunder, Blizzard, Scan / Haste, Slow, Dispel

Strategy: Off the Elite Soldier first then use Quezacotl against the GIM52As and attack with thunder-based spells. Watch out for their Micro Missiles, which drain half a character’s HP. You can break their Aura or Protect status by drawing and using Dispel on them. Using Siren on them makes them become slow and rubbery. Overall, they are not too difficult.

After fighting, the party hears Irvine calling to them over the intercom. Examine the control panel in the upper-right. After Irvine instructs Squall, go back downstairs and save. Return to the Control Room and head right to go outside. Cross the bridge. When it starts to retract, quickly move Squall towards the green light on the side of the bridge. Hold down the right d-pad button to avoid being crushed by the explosion. Once safe, the party leaves via stolen buggies.

Galbadian Desert

Draw Point: Aero

Use the Aero DP then climb up to Selphie. Choose 2 teams: Squall’s team will go to Balamb Garden to warn of the impending attack while Selphie’s team will infiltrate the Missile Base to try prevent the launch. Note that Squall’s scenario is harder, but provides a great opportunity to gain some levels.

When Squall’s team reaches the Galbadia Desert Station, sneak onto the train to your left. Have Selphie’s team return to Deling City to restock supplies and remodel weapons before going to the Missile Base. When finished there, get back in the car and travel northwest of D-District Prison to reach the base. Drive inside.

Missile Base

Enemies: G-Soldier, Elite Soldier, Geezard, SAM08G
Draw Points: Full-life, Blind, Blizzara
Magazines: Weapons Monthly June (BGH251F2)

Once inside, enter the structure on the left. Save and examine the terminal between the 2 doors to unlock the left door. Enter it. The group sees a guard outside the Circuit Room—choose the 2nd option to walk. Proceed until you reach another Save Point. Take the far left path next to the stairs to get to an area with a Blind DP. Talk to the 2 soldiers you find there then return to the previous save point.

Enter the center door and talk to the guards within. Tell them that they have to check the Circuit Room themselves (1st option). Before leaving the room, find the Full-life DP.

Return to the 2 soldiers off the left path, who ask Selphie to go in their place. Go back to the previous Save Point and take the left staircase back to the Circuit Room. Speak to the guard to get inside. Once there, use the Blizzara DP then screw around with the controls: Select the 1st option, followed by the 2nd, then bash away until power is cut off to the base. Exit the room and respond to the guards outside. Choose to lie, causing the guards to enter the room wherein the group pummels them.

Afterwards, return to the Launcher Lift door and attempt to enter. A guard will stop you. Choose the 1st option both times to gain access. Once inside, position Selphie in between the soldiers pushing against the load then mash the [Square] button to move the launcher in place. Leave the room and activate the control panel to the right of the door.

Verify the Equipment (select BAG0003A cruise missiles) and try to set the Target. Next, shift the Error Ratio to the maximum then upload the data to the main terminal. Run a Simulation test before exiting the system. Save your game then talk to the guard on the stairs to get past him.

HP: 781 / 1,005 Weakness: Posion Strength: ?
AP: 4 Draw: Blizzard, Silence, Confuse / Thunder, Confuse, Slow, Reflect

Strategy: They’re capable of casting status ailments on your characters, but just draw Reflect to protect yourselves. Not too tough.

After defeating the soldiers, check the panels to the right, middle and left to stop the launch. Go through the door on the upper right and examine the terminal in the upper left. Activate the self-destruct sequence and set the timer to 20 minutes. The lower right door will become usable, allowing for a shortcut (this only happens when you select 20 minutes or below). Leave the base.

BOSS >> BGH251F2
HP: 8,200 Weakness: Thunder, Earth, Water Strength: Poison
AP: 20 Draw: Shell, Protect, Stop

Strategy: Junction Thundara, Quake or Water to elemental attack and repeatedly cast Quezacotl. Once you destroy some of the pillar-like structures on it, the BGH251F2 will retaliate with Beam Cannon, so watch your HPs. Draw & use Protect and/or Shell to cut down on damage taken.

Once the BGH251F2 is put out of action, you have to combat 2 Galbadian Soldiers and an Elite Soldier, so save some time to do them in. You’ll get the June issue of Weapons Monthly and if you successfully bluffed your way through the Base, your SeeD Ranking will increase by 2. After the base self-destructs, you’ll take control of Squall.

Balamb Garden – Hostile Takeover / MD Level

Enemies: Bite Bug, Glacial Eye, Caterchipillar, Bomb, Grat, T-Rexaur, Granaldo, Grendel (Balamb Garden), Buel, Blood Soul, Blobra, Tri-Face (MD Level)
Draw Points: Cure, Esuna, Demi, Blizzard, Full-life

Junction Squall’s party then head north towards the Lobby. Talk to any Garden Faculty you see and fight the random monsters that appear. Continue further into Balamb Garden to meet Raijin and Fujin, who explain that the Master Party is attempting a takeover. Squall has to look for Cid, so start searching in a clockwise direction:

- Infirmary Fight a Granaldo then talk to Dr. Kadowaki to get an Elixir
- Quad Fight a Glacial Eye and Bomb then speak with 3 students below to get an X-Potion
- Cafeteria Fight a Bomb (draw Meltdown from it) then use the Demi DP further up
- Dormitory Fight a Caterchipillar then rest and save in your room
- Parking Lots Fight a Grendel then get a Tent from the students
- Training Center Fight a T-Rexaur then talk to the kids to get a Remedy
- Library Fight a Grat then get a Mega-Phoenix from the girl who likes Zell

All of the battles on the 1st floor have to be triggered before the following event occurs:

Returning to the Main Lobby, Squall spots Xu entering the elevator. Follow her to the 2nd floor corridor. After telling her about the missile attack, ride the elevator up to the 3rd floor. Speak with Cid and get a key to the basement. Return to the elevator and ride down to MD Level.

When the elevator hangs, examine the control panel then use the floor plate in the upper left corner to escape. Climb down the shaft then continue forward until you reach a hatch. Descend. After Squall gives a tutorial on elemental attacks, move on until you reach a door. Enter and examine the mounted wheel. Mash away at the [Square] button to turn it within 10 seconds. You’ll probably need 2 people to succeed. Once turned, return to the previous screen and climb down the newly uncovered ladder.

At the bottom, use the Full-life DP then head left and select who’ll scout the place. Ascend the ladder. When you reach the Switch Room, activate the green control panel on the right. Use the same ladder (1st option) to leave. Back on the bottom, examine the green light near the railing to open a path leading down. Descend and save, then throw the nearby switch to raise a gate in the background. Head north.

HP: 4,035 Weakness: Fire Strength: Water
AP: 20 Draw: Esuna, Blind, Cura, Confuse

Strategy: Summon Ifrit to make short work of them. If you receive any maladies, draw and use Esuna to cure. They’re pretty fast, so you might want to cast Slow on them if your character has a poor affiliation with Ifrit. Watch your HP and heal as necessary.

After the fight, continue north through the opening and go down the ladder. Watch an FMV then move left. Examine the middle panel a couple of times until it lurches. After watching another FMV, you’ll be back with Cid on the 3rd floor.

Balamb Garden – Mobilization / Basement

Draw Points: Bio
GFs: Leviathan (Norg)
Rare Cards: Seifer (Cid)

Talk to Cid then take the elevator down to 2F. Follow the corridor to the end and enter the red door. After watching the Garden take flight, leave and meet Xu in the corridor. Follow her back to the 3F Bridge. [If you have Rinoa in your party, you’ll see an additional scene where Rinoa enters Squall’s room and requests a tour around Balamb Garden.] Return to the Lobby. A faculty member tells Squall to go to the Master Room, so take the elevator down to the basement.

After speaking with Cid, head left to meet Norg, who is furious that Squall failed the assassination attempt.

BOSS >> NORG (Pod & 2 Orbs)
HP: 2,000 / 2,701 x 2 Weakness: ? Strength: All elements
AP: 20 Draw: Cura / Dispel, Confuse, Slow / Thundara, Life, Bio

Strategy: Physically attack the Orbs to keep them from turning red (they’re capable of some pretty nasty spells when they’re that color) and steal Magic Up & Spr Up potions from them if you can. Keep hitting the center Pod until the shell cracks open.

Once the Pod is nullified, the true NORG reveals himself.

HP: 11,900 Weakness: Wind Strength: Poison, Thunder
AP: 20 Draw: Shell, Protect, Esuna, GF Leviathan

Strategy: Draw GF Leviathan from him then follow up with wind-based spells, Demi magic and GFs.

After the fight, go to the infirmary and ask Cid about the events that just transpired. Return to the Lobby and speak with Xu. When a mysterious ship is sighted approaching Balamb Garden, head up to the 2F Lookout Deck. The SeeD members on board the ship ask Squall to locate Ellone. You’ll find her in the Library. When Squall asks about the Laguna dreams, Ellone will only tell him that was in the past.

The next day, Rinoa arrives to comfort Squall. Choose the 1st option to stroll with her then head to the 3rd floor. After the collision, Cid dispatches Squall to Fisherman’s Horizon to apologize to the Mayor. [Cid holds Seifer's card, btw.] Make your way to the 2F Deck.

Fisherman’s Horizon

Enemies: SAM08G, GIM47N, G-Soldier, Elite Soldier
Draw Points: Regen, Shell, Haste, Ultima, Full-life
Magazines: Timber Maniacs (FH Hotel, Repair Shop), Occult Fans Vol. III (Master Fisherman)
Rare Cards: Quezacotl (Dobe)

Head east along the path until you find a partially hidden ladder. Descend it and follow the trail to an elderly fisherman. Choose to apologize to him (1st option) to get Occult Fans, Vol. III. Talk with him until he asks Squall for a favor.

Return to the original path and continue east. Speak to the crane operator to get down. Before taking the northern path to visit the Mayor, head left. Use the Regen DP near the Save Point then continue heading east. Once in town, enter the door on the left. Inside, buy items then pay 100 gil to rest. Search the floor of the guestroom for an issue of Timber Maniacs then leave the Inn.

Head right, down the wooden dock. Talk to the kid in the boat 3 or 4 times (until he mentions his teacher, who is the old fisherman you met earlier). Afterwards, talk to the man standing next to the Shell DP to refine your weapons. When finished, return to the main path and head north.

Enter the Repair Shop on the right and speak to the Grease Monkey inside. Search the floor next to him for an issue of Timber Maniacs then exit. Follow the left path down to a Plaza where a couple of people want to play cards. Take the northern stairs up to a dormant train depot. Use the Haste DP at the end of the path then return to the previous area. Backtrack to the Save Point and head west. At the intersection, take the northern path down to Mayor Dobe’s house.

Enter the house and go upstairs. Locate a hidden Ultima DP on the right then speak to the Mayor (who holds Quezacotl’s card, btw). Leave and start heading back up the dish. When the Galbadian army arrives, return to the Mayor’s house to get more information. Save your game and head over to the Plaza in front of the Train Station. Once there, you’ll have to contend with a few Galbadian soldiers, but they offer little resistance. Their demise heralds the arrival of a familiar boss.

BOSS >> BGH251F2
HP: 6,900 Weakness: Thunder, Earth, Water Strength: Poison
AP: 20 Draw: Shell, Protect, Stop

Strategy: Draw and cast Protect on your party members then use Quezacotl, Leviathan and Thunder-based spells on the boss. Steal Adamantine from it if you can. There’s a chance of halting most of its attacks if you successfully cast Blind on it.

After the battle, Selphie’s missile base team appears and the full party is reunited. Talk to Rinoa then try sharing a few words with Mayor Dobe (pick the 1st, then the 2nd choice to keep the conversation going). When finished, start heading back to Balamb Garden.

After meeting up with Irvine, take the ladder down to the Master Fisherman, who asks that you visit him at the Hotel. Before going there, return to the Plaza area. If you previously conversed with the Cafeteria Lady about her son at Balamb Garden, talk to the man in a white shirt here three times. Go to the Repair Shop and speak to the Galbadian Officer inside. Leave and re-enter, then talk to Grease Monkey for a Mega-Phoenix.

Now, go to the 2nd floor of the Inn to meet the Master Fisherman. After viewing an interesting holographic display involving Dobe, choose to accompany the Master Fisherman a bit longer (2nd option). Follow him down the wooden dock and agree with his opinions (1st option) during the course of the scene. Talk to him afterwards and pick the 2nd option to get a Megalixir. Afterwards, save your game and ride the crane back up to Balamb Garden.

Balamb Garden- Garden Festival / Fisherman’s Horizon

Locate Selphie in the Quad then meet up with Cid, who appoints Squall the commander. Squall’s friends decide to hold a concert for him to celebrate the event. You have 3 tunes and 8 instruments to choose from:

Tune A: Guitar, Violin, Flute, Tap Dance
Tune B: Electric Guitar, Bass Guitar, Saxophone, Piano
Tune C: Any mix of the 8 instruments, other than the 2 above

Using Irvine, pick Tune A as your performance piece. Afterwards, Rinoa invites Squall to the concert, which takes place at the Mayor’s House. During the concert, use [Square] to change the view of the stage or just proceed right to move the plot along. Examine the magazine on the ledge to initiate a conversation between Rinoa and Squall. Whichever tune you chose determines the outcome of their conversation:

Tune A (folk song): A smooth ride, no misunderstandings.
Tune B (ballad): A bit uneasy, but still okay.
Tune C (jumble): Both Squall and Rinoa feel uncomfortable.

After the performance, the group returns to Balamb Garden. Squall has another dream that night. The next morning, go to the 3rd floor Bridge and talk to Nida to learn how to navigate the ship. Before going to Balamb City, you might want to check out a few previously unreachable areas.

Timber Revisited {optional}

Magazines: Timber Maniacs (Timber Hotel)

Locate two children playing on the bridge above the railway track that runs towards the East Academy Station and Dollet. Sometimes you’ll find the girl on the track. As Squall approaches her, a train whistle signals impending doom. You’ll be back at the Inn after the rescue.

Once there, pick up a copy of Timber Maniacs. You can also plunder the 500 gil from Owl’s Tears now. Have Squall repeatedly examine the cupboard underneath the television. Also, the guy outside the Timber Maniacs Building will give you a Pet Nametag if you previously encouraged him to go for his dreams.

Winhill Revisited {optional}

Enemies: Vysage, Lefty, Righty, Blood Soul
Draw Points: Curaga, Dispel, Reflect, Drain

Winhill is located south of the Galbadian continent, not far from D-District Prison and Timber. Once there, enter the mansion in the center of town. Talk to the owner standing on the stairs to initiate a mini-game, which requires you to find 4 pieces of a broken vase. Have Irvine in your party to trigger the 1st event:

Repeatedly examine the suit of armor in the mansion, which is left of the huge flower vase. The chicobo within will drop the 1st fragment. Leave and head south until you arrive at the Flower Shop.

Follow the old lady into her shop and reply ‘yes’ (1st option) when she asks Squall whether he likes flowers. Locate the 2nd fragment among the flowers in the foreground. Leave and head north.

At the Chocobo Crossing sign, you’ll see a little chicobo fluttering around. Press [X] when it’s at your feet. It’ll throw up a variety of items each time you do that; one of them will be the 3rd vase piece.

Go back to Raine’s house and speak with the new owner upstairs twice. Afterwards, head down to the 1st floor and examine the glass bowl with lilies on the table in the foreground. Raine’s spirit should appear behind the bar. When she vanishes, examine the cat that appears for the final fragment. Take all 4 of them back to the mansion to get a Holy Stone from the owner.

Balamb City Under Siege

Enemies: G-Soldier
Draw Points: Cure, Thunder
GFs: Pandemona (Fujin)
Magazines: Combat King 002 (Raijin, Fujin)
Rare Cards: Zell (Ma Dincht), Pandemona (Hotel Owner)

Make sure Zell is with you before entering Balamb City. Once inside, speak to the Galbadian sentry to get through. Visit Zell’s mother then head down to the Hotel. Talk to the guards stationed there to learn that you cannot enter until you find their Captain. Continue to the docks and speak with all the soldiers near the dog. You’ll find a Tabloid Guy hidden behind the vehicles who sells information. If you use his services, it’ll lower your SeeD rank.

After learning that the Captain was seen fishing, return to Zell’s house. It appears he just used the kitchen to cook his catch. Go upstairs to rest and save then head to the Train Station on the left. Talk to everyone there then return to the docks. The dog will lead Squall to the Train Station, where the group sees Raijin (the Captain) run away. Follow him back to the Hotel (you might want to save at Zell’s house first).

HP: 9,200 Weakness: Poison Strength: Thunder
AP: 10 Draw: Thunder, Thundara, Shell, Protect

Strategy: Get rid of the guards first then concentrate your attacks on Raijin. He absorbs Thunder magic so don’t use Quezacotl on him. Counter his heavy hits by casting Protect on your party or using a Blind spell on him. Try to mug a Str Up potion from him, too.

Once Raijin has sustained enough damage, he’ll flee. The group follows him into the Hotel.

HP: 10,800 / 8,100 Weakness: Poison Strength: Thunder / Wind
AP: 12 / 10 Draw: Thunder, Thundara, Shell, Protect / Aero, Cura, Life, GF Pandemona

Strategy: Start off by drawing GF Pandemona from Fujin and casting Blind on Raijin. Fujin uses a deadly attack called Sai, which reduces your HPs to 1, so be prepared to heal often. Casting Shell & Protect on your party members helps reduce most all other damage. Junctioning Bio to Elemental Attack is also helpful as both are weak against Poison. Try to steal a Str Up from Raijin and Megalixir from Fujin.

After the fight, you’ll receive Combat King 002 and automatically board Balamb Garden. If for some reason this doesn’t happen, here’s how you get out of town during the siege:

Talk to the girl in the house next to Zell’s then talk to Big Bad Rascal in Zell’s house twice. Return to the neighboring house, converse with all the people inside then leave. Talk to the guard near the Car Rental shop, but DON’T close the message screen. Let the people outside finish their motions and eventually the Big Bad Rascal will teach you a way to get out when you return to the previous screen. Afterwards, try winning Zell’s Card from Ma Dincht (Zell’s mother), but note she’ll only play it if Zell is in your party. The Hotel Owner holds Pandemona’s Card.

Either way, talk to Selphie when you’re back on the ship. She suggests going to Trabia Garden, which is north of your current location. You may want to visit a couple of places along the way.

Winter Island: Shumi Tribe Village {optional}

Draw Points: Ultima, Firaga, Blizzaga
GFs: Phoenix (Phoenix Pinion)
Magazines: Timber Maniacs (Inn OR Artisan’s House)

The Shumi Village is located on the northernmost continent of the world (it will be highlighted on your map if you spoke to the owner of the Repair Shop in FH). Once there, head forward and speak to the 3 Shumis guarding an Ultima DP. You’ll have to pay 5,000 gil to access it, which is pretty reasonable considering Ultima is probably the best spell in the game. Be sure to return here every now and then to stock up on it. For now, continue further to the elevator and ride it up to the top.

Enter the first structure in the village, which is the Inn. Pay 100 gil to rest. Look for an issue of Timber Maniacs in the guestroom (if it isn’t there, you’ll find it in the Artisan’s house later) and use the save point. Exit the Inn and continue west. The 2nd building is out-of-bounds and the 3rd belongs to the Elder, whom you can’t visit yet. If you didn’t get the magazine from the Inn, look for it in the 4th house. Afterwards, enter the leftmost building, which is the Workshop. Inside, a statue of Laguna is being constructed.

Speak to the Shumi sculptor, who tells Squall to visit the Elder. Use the Firaga DP behind the statue then go to the house with the Moomba in front of it. Use the Blizzaga DP to the right then enter. Return to the Workshop after your meeting with the Elder and talk to the sculptor again. He wants you to find 5 special stones to complete the statue. Each time you find one, return to the Workshop to get another clue:

Blue Stone Among the granite rocks behind the Laguna statue
Wind Stone Among the boulders to the left of the Inn
Life Stone Climb up the tree roots to the right of the Elder’s house
Shadow Stone Take the elevator up and explore the circular ring opposite the Ultima DP
Water Stone Enter the Artisan’s house next to the Workshop and look in the sink

After giving all 5 stones to the sculptor, return to the Elder. He offers Squall a Phoenix Pinion, which summons the GF Phoenix once during battle. After that, Phoenix will appear randomly to help out.

Centra Ruins Region {optional}

Enemies: Armadodo, Bomb, Buel, Blobra, Forbidden, Red Bat, Tonberry
Draw Points: Drain, Aero, Pain
GFs: Odin
Rare Cards: Odin

Travel to the upper half of the Centra region and look for a yellow, diamond-shaped structure on the southeastern island within a ring of smaller islands near the Centra Crater. It might take a while to find the ruins, so use your map.

Once inside, you’ll have exactly 20 minutes to find Odin and defeat him, so come prepared with Diablos’ Encounter Half or Encounter None ability. If you happen to face any enemies, use your most powerful spells or Squall’s Renokuzen to kill them quickly (GFs take too long).

From the entrance, head north and ascend the stairs. Use the Drain DP on the right then move clockwise around the circular statue and climb the stairs behind. On top, take the right path and go all the way to the door in the background. Climb the stone steps to get to the lift platform.

On top, take the left ladder to the top and enter the opening. Activate the switch. Climb back down and examine the blue altar to reveal a new staircase on the right. Climb the new staircase (not ladder), spiraling up until you reach a circular platform. Climb the short ladder on the left. Head right and pluck the red jewel from the eye of the statue. Return to the circular platform below.

Take the upper right path to a Pain DP. Climb up the green dome to reach another statue. Put the jewel in to obtain a random 5-digit password. Write it down then take out both red jewels. Return to previous statue and insert both jewels. Enter the 5-digit password. When the door opens below, enter it to face Odin. [Note: If the timer runs out before you face Odin, you’ll be asked to try again. If this happens, just continue from wherever you left off. If the timer runs out during battle with Odin, it’s Game Over.]

HP: 18,400 Weakness: ? Strength: ?
AP: 20 Draw: Stop, Death, Double, Triple

Strategy: Odin will just sit there until the timer runs out, so your goal is to hit him with your most powerful stuff as quickly as possible. The easiest way to defeat him is to use Squall’s Limit Break repeatedly. No spells or GFs work as well as Renokuzen. Stock up on a few Triple spells if you’ve got time and make sure to mug a Luck-J scroll from him.

Unlike regular GFs, Odin cannot be junctioned; rather, he appears randomly during enemy encounters. When he does, he’ll instantly dispatch all opponents with a success rate of 100%. Don’t expect him to come help during boss battles, though. Once you obtain Odin, use the ladder to the right of the blue statue to reach an Aero DP then exit the ruins.

Kashkabald Desert {optional}

Enemies: Abyss Worm, Cactuar, Chimera Blue
Magic: Aqua Breath

Locate a huge patch of land known as the Kashkabald Desert to the east of Centra Ruins. Cactuars appear here and each one nets you 20 AP. You’ll need high Speed and Hit% ratings before you try to defeat them, but they’re worth it. Remember to return here occasionally to build up your GFs’ abilities.

Trabia Garden

Draw Points: Thundaga, Zombie, Aura
Magazines: Timber Maniacs, Weapons Monthly August
Rare Cards: Selphie (Selphie’s friend)

Head north to Trabia Garden. Once there, follow Selphie. An ex-classmate near the gargoyle statue asks Squall if he’s been looking after Selphie. Answer however you like. (The ex-classmate holds Selphie’s card, but the ‘Random’ rule enforced here makes it rather difficult to get.) Use the Thundaga DP next to her then head northwest.

At the intersection, go right to find a Save Point. Speak to the kid in blue until he hints at a secret treasure. Return to the gargoyle statue and take 5 steps south. Search the ground for the August issue of Weapons Monthly. If you have trouble locating it, tap [X] repeatedly around the area. After finding it, head north to the cemetery. Selphie will probably be there and if you have Siren’s Move-Find ability equipped, use the Zombie DP. After speaking with Selphie, return to the statue area and head northwest.

At the intersection, take the left path. Talk to the students who are standing next to an Aura DP then continue heading west. When you reach the basketball court, speak to everyone at least once or until you see a ball roll into frame. During the flashback scene, move Squall to the beach. During the next flashback, talk to all of the children before heading through the door on the right. Irvine’s memories prompt the others to recall their forgotten childhood. After the cut-scenes, the group leaves Trabia Garden.

Trabia Region {optional}

Enemies: Bite Bug, Gayla, Mesmerize, Snow Lion, Blue Dragon (Forest, appears rarely)
Blue Magic: Acid

Enemies you encounter around the Trabia region include Mesmerizes and Gaylas. The former offers Mesmerize Blades and the latter holds Meltdown spells at level 30+. The Gaylas also drop Mystery Fluids, which allow Quistis to learn Acid. If you come across a Blue Dragon, mug it for Fury Fragments or defeat it so it drops Dragon Fangs. They’re really rare though. You can kill them easily with a Death spell.

Shumi Tribe Village Revisited {optional}

During this visit, you’ll be laying groundwork in order to get a nice gift later on: First, visit the Workshop to learn that more manpower is needed to complete the statue. Next, visit the Elder then speak to the Moomba outside his house. Follow him back to the Workshop. After the cut-scene, visit the Elder again then return to the Workshop and talk to the Elder’s Attendant. Enter the house beside the Workshop and talk to the Artisan. Visit the Elder once more before leaving the village.

Fishermans Horizon Revisited {optional}

Go to the Repair Shop near the train station and speak with the Grease Monkey inside to get a Moomba Doll. Take it back to Shumi Village.

Shumi Tribe Village Revisited {optional}

Note: You must have the Moomba Doll from FH before the following scene is triggered: Talk to the Elder then visit the Artisan next door, who has a dialog with the Moomba Doll. After leaving the house, the Artisan will finally agree to help. Talk to the Elder to receive a Status Guard item (teaches a GF St-Def+4).

Centra Region - Cape of Good Hope

Pilot Balamb Garden towards Edea’s Orphanage to the south (use your map) to trigger a confrontation with Galbadia Garden, which is hovering nearby.

Balamb Garden - Invasion

Enemies: G-Soldier, Elite Soldier, Paratrooper, GIM52A

With an invasion eminent, Squall must address the students over the intercom. Give out commands in this order:

1. The Garden’s course
2. Prepare for the attack
3. Prepare our defense
4. Call my comrades
5. Take care of the junior classmen
6. No orders/End

Take the elevator down to 1F and meet up with your companions at the front gate. Select a party then head up to the 2nd floor. Direct all the students on that floor. After leaving the Classroom, speak to the lone kid walking in the hallway to get a Cottage. Afterwards, go down to the Quad. Use the new Save Point near the entrance then continue forward until you meet Zell, who is assembling troops. When Rinoa arrives, speak to her then watch as the two Gardens attack each other.

When you take control of Zell, re-junction and head to the western wing of the Quad, where a collision throws Rinoa off the platform. Leave her for now and make your way to the Front Gate to meet up with Squall. Form a party of 3: Squall is a compulsory character and Zell is assigned to rescue Rinoa.

Controlling Squall’s party (remember to junction), head up to the 2F Classroom. Fight off 4 paratroopers then talk to everyone inside. Leave the Classroom and take the elevator up to 3F. After watching the cut-scenes, return to the 2nd floor where Squall is asked to look for a missing child. You’ll find him at the end of the corridor on 2F, but get knocked down by a trooper as you approach. When he pins Squall against the wall, press [X] to reveal 3 choices. Select the 3rd one to notice an emergency hatch. Press [X] again and select the 2nd option to unlock the door.

In this mini-game, Squall starts off at a disadvantage with lesser health, but you can win easily by mashing away at the [Punch] button right from the start. If you’re fast enough, Squall will cut off all attempts at retaliation from the trooper. If he starts to block repeatedly, kick him. An alternate strategy is to hold down [Block] until the [Deathblow] command appears, which knocks off two-thirds of the trooper’s health in one hit. Finish him off with a flurry of punches and kicks. If the trooper wins, you’ll be prompted to try again.

Galbadia Garden - Invasion

Enemies: G-Soldier, Elite Soldier, Creeps, Jelleye, Death Claw, Blitz, Tri-Face, Slapper (Hockey Rink)
Draw Points: Aura, Protect, Life, Shell, Haste GFs: Cerberus, Alexander (Edea)
Rare Cards: Cerberus

Once Rinoa is rescued, head left. After the two share a moment outside the compound, name Squall’s ring (Griever is the default) then select the 2nd option to enter Galbadia Garden. If you have Siren’s Move-Find ability equipped, you’ll see an Aura DP to the right. Use it before entering.

Inside, save and re-organize your party (junction accordingly). Enter the door on the right then take another right on the next screen to reach the stairs. Go up and speak to Raijin and Fujin, who choose to leave the party alone. Head left from them and enter the door on the right. Talk to the male student inside to get the 1st Card Key.

Return to the save point downstairs then head left. Unlock the left door to get to the ice hockey rink. Use the Haste DP on the ice then enter the locker room on the left to access the Life DP. Exit and go through the door on the right to reach a hallway. Once there, enter the classroom on the right. Talk with the student inside to get a 2nd Card Key. Backtrack to the Save Point near the entrance.

Proceed east to the stairs and go up to the 3rd floor. Use the Card Key to get outside. Leap down onto the court and head left. Use the Shell DP then enter what should be familiar hallway. Head south past the stairs until you reach the main lobby. Use the Save Point to the east before approaching the GF in the center.

HP: 10,000 Weakness: ? Strength: Wind, Thunder
AP: 30 Draw: Quake, Double, Triple

Strategy: Cerberus will cast Triple on itself, allowing him to attack 3 times in a row. Undo this by using Dispel. The boss also uses Tornado and Quake, which can cause significant damage. Decrease the effect by casting Protect or Float on your party. Avoid using wind and thunder-based magic on him as he absorbs both. Demi works well as do GFs Ifrit and Diablos. Draw a few Triple spells and mug him for a Spd-J Scroll if you can.

Once you’ve received GF Cerberus (and his card), use the DP he was guarding. Follow the western path to a hallway. Enter the door on your left and speak with a female student inside to get the 3rd Card Key. Return to the Lobby and head north. Take the stairs up t the 2nd Floor. Once there, head left and unlock the elevator. Ride it up to a room with a Save Point and two adversaries.

HP: 10,000 Weakness: Poison Strength: ?
AP: 20 Draw: Fira, Thundara, Dispel, Haste

Strategy: Counter Seifer’s high attack power by casting Protect on your allies. As his HP drops, he’ll start using Demon Slice, which causes a great deal of damage to a single member. Seifer tends to focus his attacks on Squall (especially if Squall is your primary offense) so have the others keep him as healthy as possible. Evenetually, he’ll stop the fight.

After the battle, return to 2F and head right. Use Siren’s Move-Find ability to locate a secret save point towards the end of the path. After saving your game, continue forward to enter the Auditorium.

HP: 7,400 Weakness: Posion Strength: ?
AP: --- Draw: Fira, Thundara, Dispel, Haste

Strategy: He’s weakened so take some time drawing good spells from him before finishing him off. Also, make sure your party’s healed up before eliminating him as you’ll have to fight Edea immediately afterwards.

HP: 15,000 Weakness: Demi Strength: ?
AP: 50 Draw: Blizzara, Demi, Esuna, GF Alexander

Strategy: Draw GF Alexander from her first then follow up with Shell on your members. Edea is capable of a few pretty nasty spells, including Death and Maelstrom, which takes off half of each member’s HP in addition to causing status ailments. Draw and use Demi on her then attack with Diablos. If Edea endows herself with Reflect, break it with Dispel. Be sure to leave a character on standby to revive those hit by Death. If you feel confident, try stealing a Royal Crown from her.

After the battle, watch the cut-scene then save and switch to Disc 3.